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Mayor and Council

Duties of Council

The council of the municipality is very important to the community. Powers given to the
incorporated municipality are exercised, on behalf of the inhabitants, by the elected
council – making councillors the most important players (officially). The following are the duties of certain municipal officials and employees.

The Role of Council

  1. to represent the public and to consider the well-being and interests of the municipality;
  2. to develop and evaluate the policies and programs of the municipality
  3. to determine which services the municipality provides
  4. to ensure that administrative practices and procedures are in place to implement the decisions of council
  5. to maintain the financial integrity of the municipality; and
  6. to carry out the duties of the council under this or any other Act.

Your Council

Mayor – Mark Stickel

Cell: 905-394-1943
Home: 705-566-2306
Email: Mayorstickel@matachewan.ca

Deputy Mayor – Michael Young

Home: 705-565-2566
Email: deputymayoryoung@matachewan.ca

Councillor – Dianne Gilbert

Cell: 705-365-6282
Email: councillorgilbert@matachewan.ca

Councillor – Cheryl Drummond

Cell: 705-642-7461
Email: councillordrummond@matachewan.ca

Councillor – Emily Stewart

Cell: 705-570-0712
Email: councillorstewart@matachewan.ca

Meeting Agendas


Agendas for 2019-2022

Council Meeting Minutes


Meeting Minutes for 2019-2022

Our By-Laws


By-Laws 2012-2023