2022 By-Laws
Matachewan strives to preserve its friendliness and to create a progressive community that will have economic growth and bring wealth to all through strong leadership and community involvement.
2022-01 Deputy Fire Chief
2022-02 Interim Taxes
2022-03-Council Remuneration
2022-04 Borrowing
2022-05 Auditor Appointment
2022-07 Human Resources Policies
2022-08 Use of Corporate Resources for Election Purposes
2022-09 Agreement for Heavy Commercial Vehicle Deferred Payment Plan
2022-10 Bell 911 Agreement
2022-11 User Fees
2022-13 CSJ Summer Student Agreement
2022-14 Mileage and Allowances
2022-15 Deeming By-Law – Lots 302 and 303 Williams-Mierzwa
2022-16 -TDCAC Terms of Reference
2022-17 Tax Ratios
2022-18 Budget
2022-19 Tax Rates
2022-20 Zoning By-Law Amendment Gaylord
2022-21 Deeming By-law – Lots 300-301 Williams-Mierzwa
2022-22 Agreement EXP for Rye Street
2022-23 Community Safety Well Being Plan
2022-24 Deeming By-law -Lots 119,120,121,122 Gaylord
2022-25 Removal and Relocation of Snow -Waiting Att Gen 10-05-22
2022-26 Lame Duck Period – Delegation of Authority
2022-28 Agreement Peninsula
2022-29 Asset Management Policy
2022-30 Occupational Health and Safety
2022-31 Establish and Appoint the Timiskaming District Joint Compliance Audit Committee
2022-32 Zoning By-law Amendment
2022-33 Agreement All-Net
2022-34 Property Standard
2023 By-Laws
2021 By-Laws
2020 By-Laws